I want to start mining Warthog Network (WART)

1/2. Select a stratum server

Stratum server location Asia
Stratum server address warthog.cedric-crispin.com
Port with SSL 4355 ⇒ (CPU/GPU, initial difficulty: 16384000000, minimum difficulty: 512000000)
Port without SSL 4354 ⇒ (CPU/GPU, initial difficulty: 16384000000, minimum difficulty: 512000000)
Username <Your WART Wallet address>[.<Worker>]   (.<Worker> is optional)
Password x[,d=<Difficulty>]   (,d=<Difficulty> is optional)

2/2. Configure a mining software

Port with SSL ./bzminer -a warthog -p stratum+ssl://warthog.cedric-crispin.com:4355 -w 79ea517ec0597c83d93f7ca302a3214833bb8938656cf3d3.aegaeon --pool_password x --nc 1 --allow_stales false
* DO NOT USE the following options: -r, -r2 & -r3. They are not compatible with our stratum(s)
Port without SSL ./bzminer -a warthog -p stratum+tcp://warthog.cedric-crispin.com:4354 -w 79ea517ec0597c83d93f7ca302a3214833bb8938656cf3d3.aegaeon --pool_password x --nc 1 --allow_stales false
* DO NOT USE the following options: -r, -r2 & -r3. They are not compatible with our stratum(s)
Port with SSL JanusMiner doesn't support port with SSL!
Port without SSL ./wart-miner -h warthog.cedric-crispin.com -p 4354 -u 79ea517ec0597c83d93f7ca302a3214833bb8938656cf3d3.aegaeon --password=x

Good practice

Always check if the pool latency, relative to your geographical location, is within a range of acceptance: < 300ms.

Download the open source tool: Stratum ping.

Using port with SSL

./stratum-ping -tls warthog.cedric-crispin.com:4355
PING stratum warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( TLS port 4355
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=0, time=7.978193ms
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=1, time=1.073831ms
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=2, time=1.052141ms
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=3, time=1.10494ms
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=4, time=1.043254ms
--- warthog.cedric-crispin.com ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 5.121688332s
min/avg/max = 1.043254ms, 2.450471ms, 7.978193ms

Using port without SSL

./stratum-ping warthog.cedric-crispin.com:4354
PING stratum warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( port 4354
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=0, time=6.406905ms
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=1, time=692.268µs
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=2, time=1.066089ms
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=3, time=1.015254ms
warthog.cedric-crispin.com ( seq=4, time=769.342µs
--- warthog.cedric-crispin.com ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 5.012300743s
min/avg/max = 692.268µs, 1.989971ms, 6.406905ms

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